Friday, 23 May 2014

Delegate in c#

Delegate in c#
Delegate :- Delegates in C# are objects which points towards a function which matches its signature. Delegates are reference type used to encapsulate a method with a specific signature. Delegates are similar to function pointers in C++; however, delegates are type safe and secure.
Features of delegate

    A delegate represents a class.
    delegate is type-safe.
    We can use delegates both for static and instance methods
    We can combine multiple delegates into a single delegate.
    Delegates are often used in event-based programming, such as

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Asp dotnet interview questions and answers for experienced

MVC interview questions and answers
Categories:- MVC interview questions and answers , What are the core components of .NET framework , Difference between ienumerable and iqueryable in , Interview-questions-and-answers-2 years experience

If you are prepare for Interview then, this set of questions would be add some questions related to view state(state management) in your brain Smile . So lets check your knowledge about view state.

1). What is View State in

Ans: View state is nothing but a method that the ASP.NET use to preserve page and control values between postbacks. When the HTML markup for the page is rendered, the current state of the page and values that must be retained during postback are serialized into base64-encoded strings. This information is then put into the view state hidden field.

2). View state is client-side or server side state management techenique?

Ans: View state is client-side state management techenique

3). What are the client-side state management techenique supported by ASP.NET?

Ans: View state
Control state
Hidden fields
Query strings

Friday, 16 May 2014

Modifier in c#

MVC interview questions and answers
    1) Abstract
    2) Sealed
    3) Virtual
    4) Const
    5) Event
    6) Extern
    7) Override
   8)  Readonly
    9) Static
    10) New

Difference between ienumerable and iqueryable in

MVC interview questions and answers
Difference b/w IEnumerable and IQuerable

IEnumerable and IQuerable are used to query data from database and collections.  The IEnumerable is basically inherited from IQueryable, so it’s having all the features of the IQueryable in addition to its having additional own features.

Wcf interview questions and answers for experienced

Wcf interview questions and answers for experienced
Categories :-MVC interview questions and answers , Latest interview questions and answers for experienced , ADO.Net Interview Questions and Answers  .

 What is WCF?

Ans.  WCF provides a runtime environment for services, enabling you to expose CLR types as services, and to consume other services as CLR types.WCF is part of .NET 3.0 and requires .NET 2.0, so it can only run on systems that support it

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

MVC interview questions and answers

MVC interview questions and answers
Categories :- Assembly in , Role of CLR framework , Latest interview questions and answers for experienced

 About ASP.Net MVC?

The ASP.Net MVC is the framework provided by Microsoft that lets you develop the applications that follows the principles of Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. The .Net programmers new to MVC thinks that it is similar to WebForms Model (Normal ASP.Net), but it is far different from the WebForms programming.
This article will tell you how to quick learn the basics of MVC along with some frequently asked interview questions and answers on ASP.Net MVC

1. What is ASP.Net MVC?

The ASP.Net MVC is the framework provided by Microsoft to achieve     separation of concerns that leads to easy maintainability of the     application.
Model is supposed to handle data related activity
View deals with user interface related work
Controller is meant for managing the application flow by communicating between Model and View.

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